Monday, April 11, 2016

Cold Comfort

It’s Monday yet again, and this one marks four weeks of the total planned twelve for the Taxol infusions.  Planned, I say, because nothing is definite at this point as to whether she will complete the full course or cut it off early.  The Taxol side-effects started out light at first, but seem to be intensifying as we go along.  The Herceptin is an entirely different matter, of course, but with its own side-effects to consider.

The current slate of side-effects that Deb is experiencing is, in no particular order, as follows –

·         Everything now has a decidedly metallic taste to it.  I told her to cut down on the heavy metal music, but she didn’t seem to think that was having any effect (also, she doesn’t really listen to heavy metal music)

·         She has occasional bouts of malaise, sometimes including nausea.  She has a prescription med to take for that, but it can take some time to take effect.

·         She is starting to experience some hair loss.  Not on her head at this point, so at least we still have hope that the cold caps are doing what they are intended to do.  No, the hair loss at this point means that she isn’t having to worry as much about shaving her legs every day – or at all – for a while.  She still has her eyebrows, so it’s likely that some hair loss will continue.

·         She doesn’t have the stamina she would like to have.  Having said that, we did make it to the gym on Saturday and she was able to go for 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer.  Not her usual 40 minutes followed by weight training on some of the machines, but at least she’s trying to keep her conditioning up.

·         She had one of those “Oh, I stood up too fast” moments the other day and took her a long time to recover – much longer than normal.  I actually think that could be a Herceptin side-effect.  We’ll ask the oncologist today when we see her.

·         She doesn’t always find my jokes funny.  Well, that’s actually nothing new.  I just wish I could blame it on the cancer drugs.

We have already been to PraxAir this morning to pick up the cold caps and the dry ice for the day.  I say “we”, but Deb sat in the car the whole time on a business call so it was really just me and JJ playing with the solid carbon dioxide this morning.  We have also been to breakfast (a quick bowl of oatmeal at Macrina Bakery) and we are now at Roy Street Coffee working at our respective laptops.  Actually, I’ve been in here for 45 minutes.  Deb just came in from the car, where she was on another business call that turned into two calls.  She is definitely back at work.

And in another couple of hours I will be back at work, doing cold cap service from noon until 6:30pm or 7:00pm, depending on when the Taxol infusion ends.  And then I get to play with the leftover dry ice.

Deb thinks I should add my Mad Scientist laugh to this, but we mad scientists don't always like to laugh on demand.  Besides, mad science can be serious business.

As consolation, here's a photo of our dog enjoying the sunshine.

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