Friday, February 12, 2016

Evening Hours and Into the Night

Deb is resting.  Quite well, actually.  She said she's really really tired. And that she's really surprised by how tired she is.  She's actually said that about a dozen times not remembering that she's said it before.  She just doesn't remember how tired she was after the last two surgeries she went through.

Actually, I think the term shouldn't be 'tired'. It should be 'groggy'. Hey, it takes a while for anesthesia to work its way out of your system.  That, plus the trauma of surgery - yeah, I'm not surprised she's feeling out of it.

Not that she isn't capable of lucidity.  She's been able to converse intelligently with everyone.  She was just talking to the shift nurse about how to deal with her diabetic dog (feeding and medicating).  Will Deb remember it?  Probably not.  Doesn't matter.

I just hope I can get some rest tonight.  When I walked into her room I was reminded of the Monty Python hospital sketch from 'The Meaning of Life'.

"Ah, I see you have the machine that goes 'Ping!'"

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