Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Phase 2 Complete

OK, I just got back a few minutes ago from the consultation room with Dr. Kleto. I didn't even have to go all the way down there to find out all I needed to know, because as soon as saw me coming down the hall he was shouting out "Everything went GREAT!!!" All that was left to talk about then was the care of her dressings and drains for the next week (until we see him again on Tuesday). So I'm happy. Everything is good. Deb's aunt is still here with me as is Duane, and one of our pastors just stopped by a few minutes ago to confirm that what she'd heard at the info desk jived with what I'd heard from Dr. Kleto. I also got a visit from Stewart, the CRNA who was in on the surgery (we discovered we have some mutual friends while he was in the pre-op room getting her ready earlier).

So now I just have to wait another hour to see her. She's in the recovery ward now, but I don't get to see her until she gets into a room.



  1. Glad to hear that everything went well. We are praying for Deb and for you. Thanks for keeping us updated.


  2. George, I get Dr. Deb's - but what is sx?

    We are very thankful that all went well in the surgery and pray that her recovery will be easy and uneventful. Give Deborah a hug for me. An easy hug.. Love, Mom

  3. Sx is shorthand for 'surgery'.

    No hugs for Deb for a while, but I gave her a kiss on the forehead for you.

  4. Awesome news! We are thinking of you guys!

